Let’s Talk Vulnerable Road Users and Heavy Vehicles Safety Measures

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Consultation has concluded

The safety of cyclists and pedestrians when they share the road with heavy vehicles remains an on-going challenge. To specifically address this safety concern, a task force was assembled to examine safety measures, also known as countermeasures, to help protect vulnerable road users (VRUs). This task force is led by a Steering Committee, co-chaired by Alberta Transportation and Transport Canada, with representatives from provincial/territorial authorities.

The Vulnerable Road Users Steering Committee is consulting on the Summary Report regarding the interaction between pedestrian/cyclists and heavy vehicles.

The safety of cyclists and pedestrians when they share the road with heavy vehicles remains an on-going challenge. To specifically address this safety concern, a task force was assembled to examine safety measures, also known as countermeasures, to help protect vulnerable road users (VRUs). This task force is led by a Steering Committee, co-chaired by Alberta Transportation and Transport Canada, with representatives from provincial/territorial authorities.

The Vulnerable Road Users Steering Committee is consulting on the Summary Report regarding the interaction between pedestrian/cyclists and heavy vehicles.

Discussions: All (3) Open (3)
  • Q1 – What information or safety measures do you feel are missing from the report?

    about 7 years ago
    Share Q1 – What information or safety measures do you feel are missing from the report? on Facebook Share Q1 – What information or safety measures do you feel are missing from the report? on Twitter Share Q1 – What information or safety measures do you feel are missing from the report? on Linkedin Email Q1 – What information or safety measures do you feel are missing from the report? link

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    *Note: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion forum are those of the participants and do not express the views or opinions of the Steering Committee or any specific members

  • Q2 – What published evidence (e.g. studies, reports) would help improve this report?

    about 7 years ago
    Share Q2 – What published evidence (e.g. studies, reports) would help improve this report? on Facebook Share Q2 – What published evidence (e.g. studies, reports) would help improve this report? on Twitter Share Q2 – What published evidence (e.g. studies, reports) would help improve this report? on Linkedin Email Q2 – What published evidence (e.g. studies, reports) would help improve this report? link

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    *Note: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion forum are those of the participants and do not express the views or opinions of the Steering Committee or any specific members

  • Q3 – Please provide general comments on the report and its contents

    about 7 years ago
    Share Q3 – Please provide general comments on the report and its contents on Facebook Share Q3 – Please provide general comments on the report and its contents on Twitter Share Q3 – Please provide general comments on the report and its contents on Linkedin Email Q3 – Please provide general comments on the report and its contents link

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    *Note: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion forum are those of the participants and do not express the views or opinions of the Steering Committee or any specific members