1. What is the objective of the Regulatory Review: Modernization of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
We want to update the Canadian Aviation Regulations by addressing unnecessary burden on both industry and Transport Canada.
It will:
• look for opportunities to support innovation and economic growth
• consider a range of regulatory and non-regulatory tools to address current needs and anticipate future needs in the air transportation sector and seek ways to better align with international best practices
2. Why is Transport Canada implementing this regulatory review initiative?
We want to:
·improve the delivery
of programs and services to better serve Canadians
·ensure we remain a word-class regulator
we are exploring options to allow for more modern oversight and enforcement,
and to better align with international best practices. We’re
also modernizing
our fees to
better reflect the cost of providing our services so those who benefit the most
from these services will pay a greater share of the costs, rather than the
As we move
forward with these initiatives, stakeholders will be invited to share ideas and
suggestions about our modernization objectives.
3. Will you be reviewing or changing the structure of the Canadian Aviation Regulations?
No. We will not review or change the structure of the Canadian Aviation Regulations. Following the completion of the regulatory initiative in 2022 and after reviewing results from the regulatory review, the team may recommend future longer-term improvements to the structure of the Canadian Aviation Regulations.
4. Are you conducting a review of the Canadian Aviation Regulations by Part?
The review and update of the Canadian Aviation Regulations will be based on themes prioritized according to level of risk. The review process will be flexible enough to address an issue holistically (i.e., look at several Parts at once), or to divide and isolate the issue by Part. This will ensure the regulatory review process is manageable.
5. Will there be additional opportunities to provide feedback?
Yes. We will
involve subject matter experts and industry partners at several stages. The
issues identified through this webpage will inform future targeted
7. How long will the regulatory review initiative last?
The Regulatory Review:
Modernization of the Canadian Aviation Regulations initiative has a 5-year mandate with funding for a dedicated team from 2017-2022.