Let’s Talk Freight-Rail Data

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Consultation has concluded

The Transportation Modernization Act (TMA) introduced a new requirement for class 1 rail carriers to submit detailed waybill (rate) data, along with public service and performance information for their Canadian operations.

Transport Canada (TC) is launching a regulatory process to:

  • Amend the Transportation Information Regulations (TIR) to collect data currently collected under the TMA; and,
  • Refine and potentially expand the rail data that is collected.

Refining and expanding data would primarily be aimed at increasing the transparency of Canada’s freight-rail network, particularly in respect of railway service and performance.

We invite railways, freight-rail users, and interested Canadians to share their feedback on the type of data needed to better understand Canada’s freight-rail system.

For more information on what is currently collected under the TIR and TMA, and options for changes to freight rail data collection, contact TC.freightrail-fretferroviaire.TC@tc.gc.ca for a copy of the discussion paper, Freight Rail Data Regulations: Refining the Data Requirements of the Transportation Modernization Act.

How to participate

We want to hear from you! Provide your feedback by May 31, 2019.

  • Read the discussion paper
  • Fill out the discussion paper questionnaire and submit by email
  • Choose to respond to the discussion forum questions in any of the following ways:
    • Through the “Join the conversation” tab below;
    • Submit a formal written submission using the “Submissions” tab;
    • Directly by email.

To get started, click “Register” at the top of the page or sign in.

The Transportation Modernization Act (TMA) introduced a new requirement for class 1 rail carriers to submit detailed waybill (rate) data, along with public service and performance information for their Canadian operations.

Transport Canada (TC) is launching a regulatory process to:

  • Amend the Transportation Information Regulations (TIR) to collect data currently collected under the TMA; and,
  • Refine and potentially expand the rail data that is collected.

Refining and expanding data would primarily be aimed at increasing the transparency of Canada’s freight-rail network, particularly in respect of railway service and performance.

We invite railways, freight-rail users, and interested Canadians to share their feedback on the type of data needed to better understand Canada’s freight-rail system.

For more information on what is currently collected under the TIR and TMA, and options for changes to freight rail data collection, contact TC.freightrail-fretferroviaire.TC@tc.gc.ca for a copy of the discussion paper, Freight Rail Data Regulations: Refining the Data Requirements of the Transportation Modernization Act.

How to participate

We want to hear from you! Provide your feedback by May 31, 2019.

  • Read the discussion paper
  • Fill out the discussion paper questionnaire and submit by email
  • Choose to respond to the discussion forum questions in any of the following ways:
    • Through the “Join the conversation” tab below;
    • Submit a formal written submission using the “Submissions” tab;
    • Directly by email.

To get started, click “Register” at the top of the page or sign in.

Discussions: All (4) Open (4)
  • Are the weekly rail service and performance metrics published on the Transportation Data and Information Hub helpful? How are you using the metrics?

    over 5 years ago
    Share Are the weekly rail service and performance metrics published on the Transportation Data and Information Hub helpful? How are you using the metrics? on Facebook Share Are the weekly rail service and performance metrics published on the Transportation Data and Information Hub helpful? How are you using the metrics? on Twitter Share Are the weekly rail service and performance metrics published on the Transportation Data and Information Hub helpful? How are you using the metrics? on Linkedin Email Are the weekly rail service and performance metrics published on the Transportation Data and Information Hub helpful? How are you using the metrics? link

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  • What additional information would help you to better understand how the rail system is performing?

    over 5 years ago
    Share What additional information would help you to better understand how the rail system is performing? on Facebook Share What additional information would help you to better understand how the rail system is performing? on Twitter Share What additional information would help you to better understand how the rail system is performing? on Linkedin Email What additional information would help you to better understand how the rail system is performing? link

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  • Do you need other metrics? (e.g., commodity or geographic-specific data)

    over 5 years ago
    Share Do you need other metrics? (e.g., commodity or geographic-specific data) on Facebook Share Do you need other metrics? (e.g., commodity or geographic-specific data) on Twitter Share Do you need other metrics? (e.g., commodity or geographic-specific data) on Linkedin Email Do you need other metrics? (e.g., commodity or geographic-specific data) link

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  • What kind of public studies would you like to see Transport Canada undertake to further improve visibility into the rail industry?

    over 5 years ago
    Share What kind of public studies would you like to see Transport Canada undertake to further improve visibility into the rail industry? on Facebook Share What kind of public studies would you like to see Transport Canada undertake to further improve visibility into the rail industry? on Twitter Share What kind of public studies would you like to see Transport Canada undertake to further improve visibility into the rail industry? on Linkedin Email What kind of public studies would you like to see Transport Canada undertake to further improve visibility into the rail industry? link

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