Electronic Shipping Documents

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Consultation has concluded

We recognize the need to digitally modernize and are studying the possibility of using electronic shipping documents for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Transport Canada (TC) is looking for your input as we try to identify timely and flexible solutions to update the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations with paperless alternatives which will:

  • Improve supply chain management;
  • Reduce paper-burden; and
  • Increase compliance and efficiency for industry nationally and internationally.

We will carry out an in-depth review before any regulatory changes are proposed to ensure the same, or greater level of safety.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Sandbox

TC is proposing a three-year sandbox between 2019 and 2022 to evaluate the feasibility of using electronic shipping documents as an alternative to the paper version by allowing selected businesses to use them. These will be granted limited permission through an equivalency certificate provided they meet safety and information-sharing criteria.

This will be done in partnership with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), from the United States Department of Transportation, industry and other governmental departments.

Go here for the latest sandbox information.

Expert advisory committee

Would you be interested in collaborating with TC? We are also looking into building an external expert advisory committee to participate in discussions around:

  • Current and developing technologies; and
  • Emergency response challenges and impacts.

The membership will be open to first responders, businesses, law enforcement, and other government organizations.

Contact us to learn more!

Share your thoughts!

  • Click on “Register” at the top of the page or sign in;
  • Participate in the forum discussion below via the “Join the conversation” tab; or
  • Send a written submission via the “Submissions” tab

We recognize the need to digitally modernize and are studying the possibility of using electronic shipping documents for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Transport Canada (TC) is looking for your input as we try to identify timely and flexible solutions to update the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations with paperless alternatives which will:

  • Improve supply chain management;
  • Reduce paper-burden; and
  • Increase compliance and efficiency for industry nationally and internationally.

We will carry out an in-depth review before any regulatory changes are proposed to ensure the same, or greater level of safety.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Sandbox

TC is proposing a three-year sandbox between 2019 and 2022 to evaluate the feasibility of using electronic shipping documents as an alternative to the paper version by allowing selected businesses to use them. These will be granted limited permission through an equivalency certificate provided they meet safety and information-sharing criteria.

This will be done in partnership with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), from the United States Department of Transportation, industry and other governmental departments.

Go here for the latest sandbox information.

Expert advisory committee

Would you be interested in collaborating with TC? We are also looking into building an external expert advisory committee to participate in discussions around:

  • Current and developing technologies; and
  • Emergency response challenges and impacts.

The membership will be open to first responders, businesses, law enforcement, and other government organizations.

Contact us to learn more!

Share your thoughts!

  • Click on “Register” at the top of the page or sign in;
  • Participate in the forum discussion below via the “Join the conversation” tab; or
  • Send a written submission via the “Submissions” tab
Discussions: All (2) Open (2)
  • Would you consider adopting an electronic transport document in your day to day business?

    about 5 years ago
    Share Would you consider adopting an electronic transport document in your day to day business? on Facebook Share Would you consider adopting an electronic transport document in your day to day business? on Twitter Share Would you consider adopting an electronic transport document in your day to day business? on Linkedin Email Would you consider adopting an electronic transport document in your day to day business? link

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  • How do you see the future of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Shipping Document?

    about 5 years ago
    Share How do you see the future of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Shipping Document? on Facebook Share How do you see the future of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Shipping Document? on Twitter Share How do you see the future of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Shipping Document? on Linkedin Email How do you see the future of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Shipping Document? link

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